In a world where success is measured by what a man accomplishes, it is possible for

Jesus Driven Ministry
Jesus Driven Ministry is a helpful book for Christian leaders who desire to declare and demonstrate the gospel

Designed To Lead
When the local church is seen through a biblical lens, it becomes clear that she is designed to

Cultivating Pastoral Resilience During the Pandemic
As I try to navigate through this pandemic as a pastor, I have been searching for resources that

The Resurrection, The Kingdom, and The Coronavirus
For centuries, Christians have been the object of persecution in different parts of the globe. This animosity can

Discipleship in the Local Church
As we survey the book of Acts we see that the primary mission of the church is to

A Church Shaped By The Word
Submission to the authority of Scripture must not be seen as a matter of preference but of great

The Relationship Between Divine Sovereignty and Human Responsibility
A noncompetitive view of divine and human agency may seem like a complex relationship that is plagued with

Through the Fire: A Test of Authenticity
The crucible for silver and the furnace for gold, but he Lord tests the heart. – Proverbs17:3(NLT) When

True Freedom for the Captives
I thank God that I am free physically from incarceration in the prison wall and free spiritually from