True Freedom for the Captives

I thank God that I am free physically from incarceration in the prison wall and free spiritually from the bondage of sin and death by God’s grace and mercy. Since we are free we can do the things we want to do with our family and with the people we love. We are free to celebrate the significant days of our lives such as birthdays, anniversaries and wedding anniversaries; we are free to worship God and to practice our beliefs. What a joy it is to be free! Freedom is indeed worth celebrating.

However, not all people share the same experience. There are those who are less fortunate in terms of freedom; those people who are behind bars that are in prison or jail. There are two kinds of people in jail or prison. First, those who were wrongfully accused and victimized by an unjust system and second, those who are guilty and whose punishment is just according to the system of law they have broken. Both not only suffer incarceration, but they also suffer judgment and condemnation in the public’s eye. In the public’s eye there is no presumption of innocence.

Way back in 2006, I heard of a ministry in the U.S. called Fruitful Harvest Ministry where they go to the prison regularly to preach the gospel and give comfort and hope to those who are in prison. I told my friend how I wished to be part of that ministry. I was so sad to hear his response when he said, “Are you not afraid you could get hurt or be killed inside prison cell?? I knew he responded with concern, but that response actually opened my heart to show compassion for those who are in prison. Since then, I’ve looked for ways to reach people who are in prison, minister to them and share the gospel.

The Lord has been so gracious because He had provided a way by using a man in the person of Former President Fidel V. Ramos who established a law that strengthened and upheld the moral values of the Filipino people rooted in the Filipino culture; values, and ideals that are “Maka-Diyos,” “Maka-Tao,” “Maka-Bayan” and “Maka-Kalikasan.” Aside from that, the law also aims to promote a God-centered, people-empowered, prosperous national community living in unity, justice, freedom, love and peace, governed by a visionary government that is democratic, responsive and effective, graft-free, transparent and self-corrective with a community of civil and military servants who are professional, competent, disciplined and trustworthy. I am referring to the Executive Order No. 319, also known as The Moral Recovery Program. Because of this law I was able to preach not only to the men in prison but also to our respected police officers.

I praise God for the privilege He has given me to be able to hold weekly bible studies to the men in uniform and to the men in prison. The outcome of this ministry may not be instantaneous at the moment but with strong faith and confidence that the Word of God will not return void, I know it will accomplish whatever the Lord desires, as stated in Isa 55:11. Hebrews 4:12 also states, “For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” We will have to faithfully plant the seed of the Word trusting that God will grow the seed (1 Corinthians 3:6-7).

Please consider partnering me in this ministry by your prayers encouragements and presence if available (note our P&P weekly bible study starts at 8am to 8:30am every Tuesday Wednesday and Thursdays) . The blessings of this ministry is that there is no need for a venue or location, you need to gather a crowd and no need to worry for the safety of your well-being, this ministry everything is provided for the people the police and your security. All it needs is your willingness and availability.

Bringing the gospel of salvation and the message of hope to our policeman and prisoners, I pray that the Lord of the harvest will bless us with more laborers in the field. I also pray for sustaining grace so that we can continue this work until the day of the Lord.