Discover Christianity


Join Our Discovery Groups

By joining a Discovery Group, you will have the opportunity to grow with your group members as you discover the foundational truths of the Christian faith.

If you are new to our church or have been attending for months and are seeking to learn more about the Christian faith, we encourage you to join one of our Discovery Groups. You can sign up at our welcome booth after the service, or you can register online using this link.

Once you register, a Discovery Group leader will contact you and your group members to determine the best schedule and meeting place for your group. Each Discovery Group will begin in the second week of January. No matter your stage of life or interest, there is a place for you to connect and grow by joining a Discovery Group. So, join us now, and let’s grow together!

"Discover Christianity is where I fell in love again with the "foundational" truths of who Christ is. And I can't find a better word to describe my experience. It's foundational in equipping us in sound doctrine; it's foundational in creating Christ-centered friendships; it's foundational in forging a path to ministry and discipleship. It's the place where I started all over again after a season of dryness and wandering where I could walk with fellow believers, to encourage and be encouraged. It's where I was able to rekindle the joy of having Christ as my sure and steady foundation."
Eunice Baliong

Discovery Group Member