To correctly answer the question, “Was it not possible for Peter to have done anything other than what he did?” one must have a biblical understanding of free will and predestination.

Pursuing Racial Diversity in the Local Church
Granted that there are many factors that lead to church segregation (e.g., language, demographics, economic status, culture), the

The Old Testament’s Witness to a Triune God
I believe that the ontological confession that the logos (Jesus) precedes the OT is what provides the warrant

Christian Ethics and Medical Technology
The 21st century has experienced rapid developments in medical technology. Most of these developments have helped sustain human

The Maccabean Revolt
The Maccabean revolt was a response to the blasphemous and barbaric acts of Antiochus IV Epiphanes. He is

The Importance of Christian Ethics
“When believers seek to obey God as a way to express their love for Him they will be protected from legalism because they understand that God’s acceptance of them (revealed in the gospel) is not based on their performance but on the atoning sacrifice of Christ.”

Three Ethical Perspectives
Christianity not only presents a coherent conception of God but also brings together all three ethical perspectives. I

Boundary Markers
The big question the Jews faced during the Intertestamental period was: would they keep their boundary markers or

Hope for the Christian Struggling with Sin
The Corinthian church developed a reputation of being a problematic church during Paul’s time. One of the most

Irenaeus’s Doctrine of Recapitulation
In the early centuries, the battleground for Christian theology centered on the person and work of Jesus