The Medieval period has often been described as the Dark Ages — a time of political and spiritual

Introduction to Nahum
Introduction to Nahum We at Living Word IT Park will soon be working our way through the book

The Problem of Pain and Christian Apologetics
In The Problem of Pain, C.S. Lewis focused on solving the intellectual problem raised by suffering (Lewis,

The Battleground for Christian Theology
It has been said that the Old Testament is the battleground for Christian theology. Through the centuries, many

Christian Virtue and Spiritual Transformation
Early on when leading someone to Christianity C.S. Lewis talked about morality only

Mere Christianity (Book 4) and The Weight of Glory
In chapters 1-6 (Book 4, Mere Christianity), C.S. Lewis focused on who

Mere Christianity (Books 1-3)
In Book One, C.S. Lewis launched his apologetic strategy by building a philosophical

The Spiritual Journey of C.S. Lewis
The challenges Lewis faced as a boy and as an adult could have easily destroyed his soul (to

Why The Resurrection and Ascension of Christ Matters Today
In Chapter 19 of Historical Theology, Gregg Allison traced the development of the church’s belief about Christ’s resurrection

Why The Old Testament Matters Today
The Old Testament reveals how God initiated a relationship with man, provided laws to show His holiness, and